Moondream w Prasie

Articles and interviews about our brand and products


Mind Body Green

I Had Terrible Insomnia. Here Are The Things That Actually Helped (And What Made It Worse)

"In my bedroom, I can hear my neighbor's small dog barking, the bleating horn of tugboats on the East River, the wail of ambulance sirens and the constant drone of the freeway a block away. While most blackout curtains muffle sound, the pair I got, from a brand called Moondream has an extra layer to really reduce the decibels that come through the window. They make my room feel so much more serene, and I'm no longer jolted awake in the middle of the night by an errant car horn."

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Geek Wrapped

Best Soundproof Curtains – Expert Reviews & Buying Guide

"Our top pick for some of the best sound blocking curtains is these amazing Moondream Soundproof Curtains. These curtains have it all. They come in a variety of colors - white, beige, Darjeeling, eggshell, dark beige, chocolate brown, long brown, ash grey, cloud grey, pepper, garnet, and morello cherry. These curtains are not only soundproofing, they are both thermal and blackout as well. This means nothing gets between you and your zzz’s, not cold, not light, not even the sound of morning traffic. They also come in a variety of sizes, so you know they’ll fit your windows."

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Splash Magazine
Moondream Soundproof Curtain Review – Transform your Home into a Sanctuary

"Designing a living space that has minimal stimuli will certainly transform the quality of your life. It affects one’s health, one’s ability to focus and even the individual’s emotional state. Moondream Soundproof Curtains do a lot more than just muffle noise, they create luxurious sanctuaries. They enhance the quality of one's life. And that’s what makes them a game changer."

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Moondream: The French Curtain Conquers American Bedrooms

"Americans are increasingly receptive to the discourse of well-being, to the need to sleep well and to protect ourselves from external aggression, which we offer... We have discovered an extraordinary fabric that makes it possible to achieve complete darkness. From that, we invested in R&D, worked with textile engineers and sociologists to understand and anticipate the demands. Today, we offer curtains that offer protection from light, cold, heat and sound as well as electromagnetic field shielding."

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